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NEWS | 28.09.2021

Wrap-up of the Big Data Alliance Intro Webinar


The Big Data Alliance (BDA) intro webinar was held successfully on Monday the 27th of September 2021.

After a short introduction to the MATRYCS project by the Project Coordinator, Pasquale Andriani (ENG), the participants had the chance to understand what the BDA is, the process to connect and utilise open data and the way to be part of it. Roman Mendle (ICLEI) presented the BDA concept and its objectives. The BDA as a European platform aims at identifying, connecting, analysing, visualising and operationalising open and available data sets in Europe. Roman Mendle pointed out that the BDA envisions to be a regular and interactive process among stakeholders. Inspired by MATRYCS, the BDA will be a cyclical stakeholder process with an active engagement and the unique value to provide and receive to and from one another. The webinar concluded with a Q&A part moderated by Marcelo Lampkowski (ICLEI) where participants had the chance to discuss with MATRYCS partners about the BDA work process and the way to join and be an active member.

For more information and to join the alliance visit!

The video of the BDA Introductory webinar is available here.

Material presented are available below: