Renovation Summit Event, 16th and 17th November,2022

The second edition of the Renovation Summit organised by the European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact (SHAPE-EU), Housing Europe, the European Construction, built environment and energy efficient building Technology Platform (ECTP), and Eurocities will take place on November 16th and 17th and is arranged in partnership with the European Committee of the Regions and House of Dutch Provinces.
The building sector has not escaped the changes brought upon by digital transformation in the last decades, and smart buildings, IoT, BIM, and Big Data Analytics have come to enter our vocabulary. However, penetration of these technologies has not been as pervasive as in other sectors, and smart buildings still remain the property of niche, mostly higher priced real-estate. This has been attributed to the major challenges of bringing in new technologies to our living spaces and the sheer complexity associated to changing legacy infrastructure. But arguably there are considerable benefits from putting to good use the data that is currently being collected across Europe.
During the 2nd day of the even, the MATRYCS project will organise a replication workshop (16:30 CET) focusing on how to leverage data analytics for the benefit of smart buildings. Our partner from HOUSING EUROPE (João Gonçalves) will moderate the workshop and outcomes of MATRYCS will be presented by Zoi Mylona from HOLISTIC and Elissaios Sarmas from NTUA.
The workshop will start with a presentation of two original approaches based on data that try to impact our energy bills (and carbon emissions) and our quality of life. Afterwards participants will have the chance to test a new software that aims at sure-firing decisions on building renovation planning and management.
For more details about the event here.