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EVENTS | 15.09.2021 | Webinar

MATRYCS Big Data Alliance (BDA) Introduction Webinar


Emerging from the Horizon2020 MATRYCS project, the Big Data Alliance (BDA) is a structured collaborative space for selected and active stakeholders who together will solve the practical challenges relating to building lifecycle management by combining meaningful data sets and using data analytics.

We invite policy makers and representatives of standardisation organisations (SDOs), energy sector companies, organizations from the building and construction sectors, financial institutions, IT industry players, SMEs, industry associations, technology clusters, research centres and universities to join the MATRYCS BDA Introduction Webinar on 27 September, 2021 10:00 (CEST).

The informational webinar aims to present the BDA objectives, focus areas, type of communication and work process, as well as to discuss the involvement of potential stakeholders.

For more information, visit


10:00-10:05 | Introduction and speaker’s presentation, Marcelo Lampkowski (ICLEI)

10:05-10:20 | H2020 MATRYCS general overview, Pasquale Andriani (ENG)

10:20-10:45 | Big Data Alliance (BDA): concept, objectives, focus areas and work process, Roman Mendle (ICLEI)

10:45- 10:55 | Q&A section Roman Mendle (ICLEI) / Pasquale Andriani (ENG) / Marcelo Lampkowski (ICLEI)

10 :55-11 :00 | Information on how to join and next steps, Marcelo Lampkowski (ICLEI)

Register now here!