Enlit Europe 2022, 29th November - 1st December, 2022 Frankfurt, Germany
We are proud of the MATRYCS project’s participation at Enlit Europe 2022 which will take place in Frankfurt of Germany, from 29th of November until 1st of December.
Enlit Europe, in collaboration with the European Commission, offers the EU Projects Zone where projects can introduce themselves to the public. This year, the program of the EU Projects Zone is focusing on key topics and themes that are going to guide the energy transition. Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, Digitalisation, and RES (especially Wind and Solar) are the focus points of our program.
The project leaders and coordinators, including ENGINEERING on behalf of MATRYCS, will meet in Frankfurt and discuss successes and lessons learnt. Representatives from the EU Commission and associations will also join and be part of the various panel discussions.
Join us and learn more about our outcomes!
Register for a Free Visitor Pass (https://enlit-europe-2022.reg.buzz/step/1/?type=exhibition) or a Summit Pass (https://enlit-europe-2022.reg.buzz/splash).
More info about the event here.