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NEWS | 15.02.2022

Sustainable Places 2021: Buildings into Active Nodes Online Workshop video

2Sustainable Places 2021: Buildings into Active Nodes Online Workshop video

On the 29th of September, the virtual workshop for buildings into active nodes organised by Sustainable Places 2021 was successfully held. The workshop invited relevant EU-funded projects and researchers working in the intersection of big data, data analytics, data sharing and energy performance of buildings to present advanced concepts, technologies, and innovative results they have achieved, focusing on the following domains:

  • Data-driven monitoring and assessment of energy performance in buildings
  • Big Data technologies for the managemement and processing of data generated in buildings
  • Advanced AI data analytics toolkits and models/algorithms for the optimization of building energy performance
  • Innovative, data (intelligence)-driven energy services for buildings and beyond.
  • End-to-end data security and privacy
  • Trusted data sharing of building-relevant data and new business models

Furthermore, through this workshop novel concepts, use cases and data-driven business scenarios emerged to extend the application of the participants’ work.

MATRYCS was represented by Zoi Mylona from Holistic who presented “Big Data Applications for energy efficiency in building sector”.  Building sector faces challenges and is getting transformed due to the vast installation of renewable sources and the new role of prosumers. MATRYCS is working on providing tools and services for elevating the building energy in a new level leveraging big data. The MATRYCS project and its objectives were presented along with dedicated analytics services for buildings performance management and monitoring.

You can watch the full workshop’s video here: